AqiqahSG Romper Winner: December 2020
Assalamu’alaikum and Greetings from Aqiqah.SG! Today we are going to announce December 2020’s AqiqahSG Romper Challenge Winner. But before that, may we take a step back and reminisce the wonderful year of 2020 -how time flies. The pandemic struck the world...
AqiqahSG Romper Winner: November 2020
October’s Episode Alhamdulillah. All thanks to Allah for the blessings that He has bestowed on all of us. Welcome back for another episode of our monthly Romper Challenge! Here is a fun thought for all of us to ponder on: Will we ever be prepared to enter...
AqiqahSG Romper Winner: October 2020
Our children is the highest of amanah that was given to us by Allah SWT. They bring light and purity the moment they enter this world. Count your blessings for each and everyday spent with your children. Guide them well, shower them with love, you will be rewarded...QurbanSG Challenge Winners
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash Amidst the pandemic, many of us were affected greatly due to changes that we have to adapt in our daily lives. Weekly Friday Prayers, was on hold. Public was encouraged to not perform Hari Raya Prayers at mosques, Bazaar Ramadhan was...