Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash
Amidst the pandemic, many of us were affected greatly due to changes that we have to adapt in our daily lives. Weekly Friday Prayers, was on hold. Public was encouraged to not perform Hari Raya Prayers at mosques, Bazaar Ramadhan was cancelled. Qurban was affected as well. It was the first time in many years that authorities in Singapore did not fly in sheep and goats from Australia for Qurban.
Despite it all, we managed to go through it and see the silver-lining of it all. Solat was not able to be performed in mosques, but it encouraged us to perform solat at home with our families. Without Bazaar Ramadhan we are able to break fast together at home with our loved ones. During this pandemic, it has thought us to cherish and appreciate our families.
With that, Qurban.SG has launched a virtual challenge #qurbansgchallenge to trigger the curiosity of both the young and the old. Augmented Reality (AR) was used, Qurban.SG allowed visitors at their website, to launch a camera interface using their mobile devices and make it seem as though a sheep or a goat is right infront of them.
Alhamdulillah, many have participated and we enjoyed viewing the creativity of each posts. We have selected the TOP 5 Winners. They are:
5th Place: jalil_38

4th Place: diet.with.eza
3rd Place: ralph_lauren79g

2nd Place: ma_hani56

1st Place: msbs_mi