Date Name for Aqiqah Location 1/8/22 Muhammad Aufa Bin Muhammad Asri Semarang 2/8/22 Naura Sofea Bte Muhammad Hariz Semarang 2/8/22 Muhammad Syahmi Bin Muhammad Suhaimi Kenya 3/8/22 Muhammad Eden Ihram Bin Muhammad Hidir Kenya 3/8/22 Muhammad Anaqi Bin Muhammad...
Written by ‘Aisyah SulaimanPhoto by Nicola D’Anna on Unsplash Assalamu’alaikum. Hope everyone is in pink of health. It is already September. SubhanAllah. September holidays are here!Β It has been refreshing to be able to once again roam around without...
Date Name for Aqiqah Location 1/7/22 Edrees Bin Dayyan Carrim Banyuwangi 4/7/22 Arfan Bin Amri Kenya 5/7/22 Emaan Alisha Binte Mohammad Jazli Semarang 5/7/22 Danish Ilyasa Bin Muhammad Afeeq Kenya 5/7/22 Dayyan Ilyas Bin Muhammad Afeeq Kenya 6/7/22 Aliya Dania...
Date Name for Aqiqah Location 1/6/22 Nayla Binte Muhammad Hazali Semarang 3/6/22 Naisya Adeena Binte Azharie Semarang 4/6/22 Hannah Rania Binte Razman Banyuwangi 5/6/22 Fayra Haziqah Binte Hisham Banyuwangi 6/6/22 Faliq Matin Bin Muhammad Faizal Semarang 9/6/22...
Photo by Nasik Lababan on Unsplash Assalamu’alaikum and Greetings! Hope that everyone is well and safe.Β MashaAllah. This year we have been blessed with an opportunity to reunite with our love ones. Restrictions have been lifted and we get to strengthen our...