Assalamu’alaikum and Greetings to all. Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah for the rizq that he has given us and our love ones.
At this point, we are probably all exhausted from hearing about how COVID-19. Exhausted emotionally for those whom we have lost, exhausted physically in committing to a routine to ensure all our love ones are safe, and definitely exhausted adjusting to the changes that seem to never end. MashaAllah, may Allah continue to give us patience to overcome these trying times.
Amidst this exhausting times, Alhamdulillah, Allah has grant us ease as we slowly go back to our lives before COVID-19. Especially to our friends who are dreading every single day and missing their families back at home. VTL (Vaccinated Travel Lane) has started as of yesterday, to Malaysia. It is an overwhelming feeling to be able to see their faces light up upon hearing this news. May Allah ease their journey to be reunited with their families.
اَ لحَمدُ لله عَلَي كُلُّ حَال
Praise be to God in all situations
Our prayers goes to all our Muslim brothers and sisters. May Allah give us patience, understanding, and strength to overcome the challenges of Dunyaa to achieve eternal happiness in the hereafter, in shaa Allah. And with that, we would like to announce October’s AqiqahSG Romper Challenge Winner. The winner is ….