Assalamu’alaikum and Greetings to all. June Holidays are here! Unfortunately, due to the heightened situation, we are still unable to travel out of the country. Nevertheless, alhamdulillah ya Allah for blessing us with health and a controlled contained environment for us to live in amidst the pandemic.
As much as we find it challenging to be working from home and handling our kids being at home, it must be as challenging for them to bottle up all that energy and not being able to release it while playing outdoors. There are afew ways to help our young ones to release their energy productively at home.
For example, recently, IslamicEvents Pte Ltd has released a free interactive workshop with Ustaz Zubair. While being occupied with making origami, the kids will be able to learn basic daily arabic conversation.

There are many more ideas that you can find on Youtube. We hope that you and your family will have a wonderful June Holiday. May Allah bless our families with sakinah, mawaddah and warahmah.
And with that, let us proceed with May’s AqiqahSG Romper Challenge Winner. The winner is …


Here is little Zahyan. With his charming smile.