Assalamu’alaikum and Greetings to all. Alhamdulillah ya Allah for blessing us with health and a safe place for us to live in amidst the pandemic.
June holidays has passed and the kids are back to school. The house definitely feels empty and quiet without them. Working from home is probably the most hectic you will face throughout your career. Juggling work while attending to your kids, your energy would have probably drained out by the end of the day. You wish and hope for a peaceful day away from them or atleast have them stay quietly still the whole day. But the moment they are asleep, you will sneakily go up to their bed and just stare at them, missing their laughter, their hugs, their entire presence.
Being a parent is never easy. As they grow old, the worry does not fade away. You will want to ensure that every inch of them are well taken care of. First it is childcare, then their educational journey, then their career choice, then worry if their partner will be able to take care of them like how you did, then their own children. For as long as you live, you don’t want your kids to ever feel the hardship that you face. But it is our responsibility as well, to allow them to learn and stand on their own two feet. If they were to fall, it does not mean you have failed as a parent, it is the learning process of growing up.
Someone once reminded me this,
“If you fall, do not keep reaching for the sky that is far away. Instead, place your forehead to the ground and be nearer to Allah.”
With that, we would like to wish wonderful month of Zulhijjah ahead, and announce June’s AqiqahSG Romper Challenge Winner ….


Here is little Emre Eman. With his charming smile.